To start the provision of the service

It is necessary to ensure that operators can access with their ER operator certificate idCAT at

  • Personal computer with current technical features and operating in a secure network environment and with the necessary tools to guarantee correct operation, especially with an installed and updated anti-virus software.
  • A cryptographic card reader (and corresponding drivers installed).
  • Software for the use of the operator's digital certificate.
  • Signador AOC (Native Application)
  • Public keys of the AOC Consortium installed
  • Operating system Microsoft Windows 10 or higher.
  • Google Chrome and Edge browser with minimum TLS 1.2 support.
  • Photocopier, in the event that the citizen does not accept or cannot consult the DGP.
  • Laser printer, to be able to print the different sheets generated in the operations.
  • Proof stamp (for special cases).
  • Cabinet and/or file cabinet with lock to securely store the documentation and files associated with the management of idCAT certificates. In the case of having an electronic file it will not be necessary.

For its part, the AOC will provide the following:

    • Digital certificates of operators on cryptographic card by the operators assigned by the entity

Training for Registry Entity operators idCAT

Consult the program, registration and dates

Maintenance requirements of Registration Entities idCAT

  • Satisfactorily pass follow-up audits
  • Increase the uses with idCAT certificate available on the website of the agency
  • Increase the issuance of the idCAT compared to the previous year or maintain it
  • Collaborate in the promotion of the communication campaigns developed by idCAT from the website of the idCAT Certificate.

Cost of setting up and maintaining a Registration Entity idCAT

Check the prices for setting up and maintaining a idCAT Registry Entity in Public Prices for the Digital Certification Service.

Publication in the Registry Entities Finder idCAT

All Registration Entities will appear in the AOC Consortium Finder:

Where can I get the idCAT Certificate?

The data contained therein are those reported by the Registration Entity in its Registration Entity Subscriber Form idCAT.