This Support Portal is that of the idCAT Registration Entities (Public bodies that issue the idCAT to citizens).

If you are a citizen and need support with the idCAT Certificate or the idCAT Mobile, see:

How do you revoke a idCAT certificate?

In the menu at the top of the operator's website, you can find the "Certificate Inquiry" link from which you can consult any certificate using the NIF, NIE, Passport or DNI number from other countries. A list is displayed with all the certificates associated with that document number and you can access the details of what you are looking for through the "view" link. At the end of the certificate detail page, you can find the option to revoke it, by previously choosing the reason that the citizen has indicated.

It can also be done from "Revocation", enter the number of the accrediting document and select the certificate to revoke it, accessing the detail page of the same as explained in the previous paragraph.

A certificate can only be revoked when a citizen requests it, and must sign the corresponding revocation document, which will be archived. The only exception to this is when the operator has a problem during the issuance of the certificate and does not complete the process correctly. In this case, the operator must ex officio revoke this certificate and sign the appearance document.

Signature of the revocation by the operator

In order to revoke the certificate, it is necessary to sign the revocation operation. First you need to search for the certificate:

certificate search page

Once we confirm the data, the certificate can be revoked and the reason for the revocation must be indicated

certificate revocation page

page with reason for revocation

When the operator clicks Revoke the certificate, a window will appear with the text to be signed and then click Continue:

Next, the Signador tab will open and you will need to choose the operator's certificate and sign the revocation (the tool will ask for the PIN of the operator's certificate):

A screen will then appear indicating that the signing process has completed successfully:

Afterwards, another screen will appear indicating that the rollback was successfully executed:

What should the operator do who has made an erroneous emission, and cannot find it to revoke it?

If the issuance was done in software, the certificate has not yet been generated and therefore cannot be revoked. Therefore, one simply has to make a new issue, letting the previous one expire (after 90 days) on its own. The operator will not have uniqueness problems with this certificate because the certificate is not issued until the citizen downloads it. Only the appearance document associated with the correct issuance must be given to the citizen, but the Registration Entity idCAT must keep the signed copies of both operations, the erroneous issuance and the correct issuance.

How to cancel a idCAT if the holder's document has changed since it was issued, for example from NIE to NIF?

In order to be able to revoke the certificate issued with the identification document that no longer exists, the citizen must provide the civil registry certificate in which it is stated what was his previous certifying document and what is the new one, given that if the citizen only provides the new document will not appear in the idCAT database.

The new idCAT will be made with the data of the new identification document.

How to deregister a idCAT if the holder has had the document with which it was registered stolen?

In order to be able to revoke the idCAT certificate when the original identification document has been stolen from the holder, it is necessary for the citizen to file a complaint.

Archiving of the documentation associated with the revocation

See the filing procedure found in the Registration Entities Procedures FAQ idCAT

Can idCAT be suspended or enabled?

From September 2023, it is no longer possible to suspend or enable a idCAT certificate.

Certificates can only be revoked, according to the procedure indicated at the beginning of this FAQ.